
Extension methods to create configurations easier.

Type: Class
Namespace: ReCaptcha.Desktop.WinForms.Configuration
Assembly: ReCaptcha.Desktop.WinForms

public static class Extentions



Creates a new ReCaptchaConfig.

Returns: A new AsReCaptchaConfig.

public static ReCaptchaConfig AsReCaptchaConfig(
    this string siteKey,
    string hostName,
    string language = "en",
    string tokenRecievedHtml = "Token recieved: %token%",
    string tokenRecievedHookedHtml = "Token recieved and sent to application.",
    HttpServerConfig? httpConfiguration = null)
this string siteKeyThe SiteKey for the Google reCAPTCHA service.
string hostNameThe name of the virtual host on which the reCAPTCHA is hosted. Should represent your application.
string languageThe language for the Google reCAPTCHA service.
string tokenRecievedHtmlThe HTML which gets displayed after the user verifed the reCAPTCHA. Use %token% to embed the token inside the message.
string tokenRecievedHookedHtmlThe HTML which gets displayed after the user verifed the reCAPTCHA and its hooked to the application. Use %token% to embed the token inside the message.
HttpServerConfig? httpConfigurationThe configuration for the HttpServer.


Creates a new FormConfig.

Returns: A new FormConfig.

public static FormConfig AsFormConfig(
    this string title,
    Icon icon = default!,
    Form? parent = null,
    FormStartPosition startPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,
    int left = 0,
    int top = 0
    bool showAsDialog = false)
string titleThe title of the form.
Icon iconThe icon of the form.
Form? parentThe parent of this form. (Only used for StartupLocation.CenterParent).
FormStartPosition startPositionThe start position of the form.
int leftThe left position of the form.
int topThe top position of the form.
bool showAsDialogWether to block the UI thread when showing the form.