
ReCaptcha.Desktop is fully documentaed. You can use this website to view any classes, methods and descriptions or you can use the direct documenation inside your favourie IDE. The reference documentation includes all public namespaces, classes, interfaces, methods, properties and descriptions:


ReCaptcha.Desktop.WPFContains the ReCaptcha client, reciever & configuration for WPF to handle verifications, window specific configurations and ReCaptcha control with themes.
ReCaptcha.Desktop.WinUIContains the ReCaptcha client, reciever & configuration for WinUI to handle verifications, window specific configurations and ReCaptcha control with themes.
ReCaptcha.Desktop.UWPContains the ReCaptcha client, reciever & configuration for UWP to handle verifications, popup specific configurations and ReCaptcha control with themes.
ReCaptcha.Desktop.WinFormsContains the ReCaptcha client, reciever & configuration for WinForms to handle verifications, form specific configurations.