
Configuration for a ReCaptcha popup.

Type: Class
Namespace: ReCaptcha.Desktop.UWP.Configuration
Assembly: ReCaptcha.Desktop.UWP

public class PopupConfig


Creates a new PopupConfig.

public PopupConfig(
    string? title = null,
    ImageSource? icon = null,
    bool hasTitlebar = true,
    bool isDraggable = false,
    bool isDimmed = true,
    bool? hasRoundedCorners = null,
    PopupStartupLocation startupLocation = PopupStartupLocation.CenterPrimary,
    int left = 0,
    int top = 0)
string? titleThe title of the dialog (Only used when HasTitleBar is true).
ImageSource? iconThe icon of the dialog (Only used when HasTitleBar is true).
bool hasTitlebarWether the dialog has a TitleBar.
bool isDraggableWether the dialog is draggable within the main window (Only used when HasTitleBar is true).
bool isDimmedWether the dialog dims the main windows background.
bool? hasRoundedCornersWether the window has rounded corners (If null the value is true on Windows 11 and false on Windows 10).
PopupStartupLocation startupLocationThe startup location of the popup.
int leftThe left position of the window.
int topThe top position of the window.



The title of the dialog (Only used when HasTitleBar is true).

Type: string?
Modifier: none
Default Value: null


The icon of the dialog (Only used when HasTitleBar is true).

Type: ImageSource?
Modifier: none
Default Value: null


Wether the dialog has a TitleBar.

Type: bool
Modifier: none
Default Value: true


Wether the dialog is draggable within the main window (Only used when HasTitleBar is true).

Type: bool
Modifier: none
Default Value: false


Wether the dialog dims the main windows background.

Type: bool
Modifier: none
Default Value: true


Wether the window has rounded corners (If null the value is true on Windows 11 and false on Windows 10).

Type: bool?
Modifier: none
Default Value: null


The startup location of the popup.

Type: PopupStartupLocation
Modifier: none
Default Value: PopupStartupLocation.CenterPrimary


The left position of the popup.

Type: int
Modifier: none
Default Value: 0


The top position of the popup.

Type: int
Modifier: none
Default Value: 0